Major Project / Monster Hunter Concept Art

22/04/2024 - 23/07/2024 (Week 1 - Week 14)
Reagan Val Adelbert Mahadi / 0349177
Major Project / Bachelor of Design in Creative Media
Monster Concept Art


Major Project

For our first task, we are required to create a proposal for the project that we are going to make for 14 weeks. After submitting the proposal to the lecturer, we can proceed with our project guided by the selected lecturer that Mr. Asrizal chose for us. I got Mr. Kannan as my lecturer.

For this project, I will make concept art for the Monster Hunter game. I proposed:
  1. Creating the concept art
  2. Creating the icons
  3. Creating the respective armor of each monster
  4. Creating the 3D design of the monsters
  5. Creating the monsters based on other mythological creatures
Since the problem of the game is the need for more representation of other creatures from different mythology other than Japanese folklore, I decided to create monsters based on other mythologies.

After giving my proposal to Mr. Kannan, he gave feedback about combining two different creatures from different mythologies because a creature from one mythology is too mainstream and common.

So, I decided to do more research on more creatures from different mythologies to mix them.

After researching, I decided to do animal studies and look for more references so that I could get to know how to properly sketch them.

Fig. 1.1 First progression

After a feedback session with Mr. Kannan, I realized that I did it wrong and I had to scrap everything. I started doing the sketches by doing the silhouettes first. I also did more animal studies to further enhance my understanding of the animals' anatomy.

I made many silhouettes and decided to pick three out of them so that I could advance on my project. After finishing the silhouettes, I enhanced them further so that I could properly sketch out the concept art for the monsters. I also did some armor sketches and monster icons afterward.

Fig. 1.2 Second progression

I showed my progression to the lecturers and got feedback from them that I have to change up the armor so that I can make them represent the monsters more. I also received feedback that I was playing it safe and needed to be more wild with the ideas to capture the attention of people.

After getting the feedback, I started to fix my armor and started doing my 3D for my monsters. I did my 3D design in Blender because I got to learn the software during my internship. I also had a similar task during my internship so I am pretty confident on my understanding of Blender.

After finishing my 3D, I finalize everything up and prepare for the submission.

Final Submission

Fig. 2.1 Presentation Deck

Fig. 2.2 Monster Art "Inferwyrm"

Fig. 2.3 Monster Art "Glaceonyx"

Fig. 2.4 Monster Art "Rumielle"

Fig. 2.5 Monster Icon "Inferwyrm"

Fig. 2.6 Monster Icon "Glaceonyx"

Fig. 2.7 Monster Icon "Rumielle"

Fig. 2.8 Armor "Inferwyrm"

Fig. 2.9 Armor "Glaceonyx"

Fig. 2.10 Armor "Rumielle"

Fig. 2.11 3D Monster front "Inferwyrm"

Fig. 2.12 3D Monster side "Inferwyrm"

Fig. 2.13 3D Monster back "Inferwyrm"

Fig. 2.14 3D Monster front "Glaceonyx"

Fig. 2.15 3D Monster side "Glaceonyx"

Fig. 2.16 3D Monster back "Glaceonyx"

Fig. 2.17 3D Monster front "Rumielle"

Fig. 2.18 3D Monster side "Rumielle"

Fig. 2.19 3D Monster back "Rumielle"

  • Don't feel overwhelmed
  • Have fun!
  • Do more research on animal studies to know more about the anatomy and enhance the sketch better.
  • Create monsters based on two different mythological creatures to make them more interesting
  • Start the concept art from the beginning instead of jumping into the sketch
  • Start the concept art by doing silhouettes
  • Start the concept art, step by step instead of jumping straight into sketching a monster directly
  • Follow the directions from there
  • Look out for more art from ArtStation to be more inspired
  • Change the armor by using the monster's characteristics so that the audience may know instantly from which monster that the armor comes from


I had a lot of fun doing this module, especially the sketching and 3D parts of the monsters. I had a 3D assignment during my internship and it has helped me a lot for doing the major project. I was very lucky that I got to learn Blender during my internship as it made me do the 3D design quite faster compared to when I was sketching my concept art. It was a really fun experience but I did not really manage my time really well again for this module. I was quite slow in making the concept art for the armor as I had to look out for many references so that I could give out the best idea for them. 

I feel like Major Project has helped me to be more aware of what I have become since the first time I came to Taylor's in the design major. From what I have learned since semester 1 up until this semester have all been used in this module. All that knowledge that I gained over the past 3 years has helped a lot in making and directing a clear way for me to be more creative and how to design properly. I truly appreciated the wisdom that I was given during the past 3 years and I only hope that I get to be more knowledgeable in the future so that I can give out my best output during work later. 


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