Game Art / Concept Art

14/04/2023 - 16/06/2023 (Week 2 - Week 11)
Reagan Val Adelbert Mahadi / 0349177
Game Art / Bachelor of Design in Creative Media
Concept Art


Concept Art

For the first project, we are told to create character silhouettes, value studies, and poses. So I started on making silhouettes for my 2 protagonists.

Fig. 1.1 Silhouettes

I tried on creating 4 silhouettes for the 2 protagonists. After getting feedback from Mr. Kannan, I had to remake the silhouettes and add pose to them. I also made them bigger.

Fig. 1.2 Silhouettes

I also added lines to make them clearer.

Fig. 1.3 Silhouettes (with lines)

After getting feedback, I decided to pick the third and fourth characters for my protagonists. I then fixed the posture of the characters and and did another value study.

Fig. 1.4 Value study

After finishing this, I added a pose for the characters and added value to it again. I also added weapons for them and added value too.

Fig. 1.5 Ronin Slayer value study

Fig. 1.6 Samurai Slayer value study

After finishing this value study, I proceed on painting the colors for the slayers and drew an antagonist for my final character. I decided to make a tengu demon for my antagonist.

Fig. 1.7 Ronin Slayer colored

Fig. 1.8 Samurai Slayer colored

Fig. 1.9 Tengu study value

After getting feedback, I had to make changes to my Tengu character and add more features to the character so that it looks more interesting and cool. I also proceeded to the coloring phase.

Fig. 1.10 Tengu colored study

After getting more feedback, I had to add more features to the character so that it looks even more interesting. Mr. Kannan suggested some features for the character and so I added them.

Fig. 1.11 Tengu value study

Fig. 1.12 Tengu colored

Final Submission

Fig. 2.1 Concept Art


Week 5
Fix the anatomy, add more references, add pose and the archetypes

Week 6
Added traits, persona, archetype, and class to the characters. Assigned character no. 4 as the main character with a tank/Kratos-like appearance. Character no. Three is designed as the agile samurai, designed a prominent demon-like boss character. Improved anatomy using a mannequin reference and incorporated references for inspiration. 

Week 7
Focused on improving the posture and overall design. Strived for better execution and uniqueness and continued referencing to enhance the character's features. 

Week 9
Worked on fixing the anatomy of the swift samurai character. I Used Genji as a reference for a swift samurai silhouette. I considered making the samurai character a tank as well. Weapons were satisfactory, but anatomy improvements were needed and explored using a chainsaw as a weapon for a Tengu-inspired character. Recommend focusing on sculpting the tank or demon characters. I have added specific traits to the demon character, considering its role as a boss or regular enemy.

Week 10
Suggested exploring more interesting samples with cyborg-like elements or attachments. Advised improving the design of boots. No need to block out feet or hands with fingers.

Week 11
Recommend elongating the legs of the characters for better proportions.


This project was very fun. I had a fun time on making my character. Just as I thought the experience of this module would be fun. I still have some flaws whenever I'm drawing poses, and made mistakes them frequently. I hope I can improve better once I get to finish this module. This project was mainly just focused on drawing and coloring so it was not really that stressful. It was more fun than stressful, so I guess I am going to enjoy this project before I get to do something more serious next.


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