Design Research Dissertation / Visual Design and Final Dissertation

09/09/2023 - 06/11/2023 (Week 7 - Week 11)
Reagan Val Adelbert Mahadi / 0349177
Design Research Dissertation / Bachelor of Design in Creative Media
Visual Design and Final Dissertation


Visual Design and Final Dissertation

In this assignment, we had to do our visual design and finish up the draft dissertation so we can finalize it. Before making visual design, we are supposed to create our mood board so we can give the lecturer on what kind of design we are implying on our book.

Fig. 1.1 Mood board

After finishing the mood board, I continue on working out my final dissertation. In the final dissertation, I also made the research conceptual framework.

Fig. 1.2 Research conceptual framework

Following the final dissertation completion, I started on my visual design. I started by making the draft for the cover page.

Fig. 1.3 Cover page draft

After getting feedback, I changed up my cover page.

Fig. 1.4 Cover page finalized

Final Dissertation

Fig. 2.1 Final Dissertation

Visual Design

Fig. 2.2 Visual Design

Link for visual design publication:


Week 8
Independent learning week

Week 9
Try using fewer colors
Look up to what kind of design the layouts would be and explore more for references
Fix up the final dissertation

Week 10
No feedback

Week 11
Fix the position of the titles and use different fonts for the visual design
Fix the font cover page by using images of the character discussed in the dissertation


Week 8
This week is the independent learning week so I was able to relax from the assignments I got from all the modules in this semester. I was also exploring inspirations on the mood board so I could get a broader idea of how I should make my design.

Week 9
I finished up making the moodboard and looked up to different layout designs so I can get a clearer vision on what kind of design I am going to make.

This week I started on only the layout and haven’t really started on the illustrations yet. I was figuring out how to really use InDesign as it was a long time ago that I used it last time. I checked out different videos and learned on how to justify the texts, adjust margins, and create the guides to make it look neat.

Week 10
I continued on making my visual design by finishing few sections. I decided to look up more references like what the lecturer said so that I know what kind of design direction am I heading to.

Week 11
This week, I finished up the final dissertation and continued on my visual design. This week I have already made up my mind on what kind of design that I am going to make for the book. 


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