Major Project / Monster Hunter Concept Art
22/04/2024 - 23/07/2024 (Week 1 - Week 14) Reagan Val Adelbert Mahadi / 0349177 Major Project / Bachelor of Design in Creative Media Monster Concept Art INSTRUCTIONS Major Project For our first task, we are required to create a proposal for the project that we are going to make for 14 weeks. After submitting the proposal to the lecturer, we can proceed with our project guided by the selected lecturer that Mr. Asrizal chose for us. I got Mr. Kannan as my lecturer. For this project, I will make concept art for the Monster Hunter game. I proposed: Creating the concept art Creating the icons Creating the respective armor of each monster Creating the 3D design of the monsters Creating the monsters based on other mythological creatures Since the problem of the game is the need for more representation of other creatures from different mythology other than Japanese folklore, I decided to create monsters based on other myt...